Hoosier Burn Camp 2020 Virtual Dance Playlist
By: Troi Watts
In a regular year on a regular Thursday, campers would suit up in their themed costumes and snazzy outfits and dance the night away. This year, we may not be able to come together in the same way, but we can still play great music and dance like nobody's watching. Check out this mini-playlist and have your own HBC Dance Party at home! Find the playlist on the HBC YouTube channel.

1. Shut Up and Dance by Walk the Moon
What better way tokick off a dance party than with a song about dancing! This song delivers ablast of energy that makes you want to jump to the beat and sing at the top ofyour lungs. Go on, do it!
Fun Fact: Did you know that the bass player for Walk the Moon, Kevin Ray, went to Ball State University right here in Indiana?

2. If I Can't Have You by Shawn Mendes
A love song? During a dance party? Why not? Shawn Mendes puts a fun, dance-worthy spin on a classic topic. And take a look at the lyrics from a different angle. “Everything means nothing if I can’t have you,” meaning that our experiences aren’t as meaningful without the ones we love. Our friends and loved ones can turn a simple dance party into one of the most fun nights of our year.

3. Cha-Cha Slide by DJ Casper
Everybody clap yourhands! It’s time for a Hoosier Burn Camp classic. Anyone - yes, even you,lovely person who isn’t confident in their dance skills - can dance to thissong. Just listen to the music and follow the directions. Don’t know how toCharlie Brown? No worries, make up your own version of the Charlie Brown!

4. Shake it Off by Taylor Swift
The real world can beheavy and frustrating, but you can shake off all your worries and strugglesduring this song. Taylor Swift offers a lot of good advice - haters are gonnahate, players are gonna play, but you don’t have to take it. Take a moment tofocus on yourself and just have fun.

5. Me Too by Meghan Trainor
Embrace your innerawesomeness with this sassy song. Sometimes people are rude or hurtful towardsyou because they are jealous of who you are or what you have. It’s important toremember that you are awesome the way you are and no one can change that.

6. Cupid SHuffle by Cupid
It’s time for anotherHBC classic! Similar to the Cha-Cha Slide, the Cupid Shuffle gives youinstructions on how to dance to this great track, but the Cupid Shuffle givesyou more room to put your own spin on things. How will you move to the right?To the left? Now kick? How about walk it by yourself?

7. Footloose by Kenny Loggins
Throwback! You mayremember this song from our HBC Tailgate Party in 2019. You may not hear thissong on the radio as much as Shake it Off, but this classic is inspiring enoughto get even the most reluctant dancer to kick off their shoes and party.

8. We found Love by Rihanna Feat. Calvin Harris
Not only is this songeasy to rock out to, but its lyrics sum up the HBC spirit wonderfully. We cometogether as survivors to support and love one another. We certainly found loveat HBC.

9. Sugar We're Goin Down by Fall Out Boy
This one’s for thecounselors! Keeping with tradition, this song is always played second-to-lastand dedicated to your hard working counselors. All counselors circle up andhead bang to this track, really letting loose. Why this song, you ask? Sorry,that’s a counselor secret.

10. Best Song Ever by One Direction
What better way toclose out a dance party than with the best song ever? One Direction may begone, but they left behind some great tracks. We all have that one song thatreminds of us of our best, most fun nights. Next time you hear a song on thisplaylist, maybe you’ll think of your first Hoosier Burn Camp Virtual Dance!
What do you think of our song choices? Did youdance your hearts out? This may be the end of the playlist, but it is certainlynot the end of camp. Be sure to check out our upcoming videos and activities athoosierburncamp.org and on social media!