When I’m Not a Burn Camp Counselor
Submitted by: Troi Watts
When I first received my invitation to HoosierBurn Camp, my parents were nervous. Excited, but nervous. They were sending meaway for a week, entrusting me to people they had never met. Everything worked out,but this anxiety is something all new HBC parents experience. Who are these HBCpeople? Who is watching my child this week? Well, have no fear. Allow us tointroduce ourselves.

We arefirst responders.
We are the first on-scene at most burn injuries.The firefighters who carry your child out of the burning house. The paramedicswho treat and transport your child to the burn unit. We are first-handwitnesses to the trauma your child has survived. But most of the time, we don’tsee the actual recovery. Once your child passes through the burn unit doors,our job is done. We turn around and respond to the next incident, all whilehoping your child makes a swift and full recovery. By volunteering with HoosierBurn Camp, first responders have an opportunity to be there and help your childrecover from their burn injury. It offers us closure and relief as we are ableto connect with the campers and foster that relationship throughout theirrecovery.

In ourown words:
“I am amazed at the strength our camperspossess and am blessed to be a small part of their growth.” - Chad A. Fire Department Captain and Paramedic
“What better way to give back to such anamazing and strong group of youth burn survivors than to be even a snippet oftheir journey post-injury with Hoosier Burn Camp.” - Stephanie M. Firefighter and Paramedic
“I have always had compassion for others sinceI was shown compassion by others through my childhood.” - Gilbert B. Retired Firefighter
“My sister and grandmother were burned when myhouse caught fire while I was at school when I was 10. There was no burn campthen, so I saw what she went through without the peer network HBC provides ourkids. I appreciate what our programs do for the kids and their parents, and being able to support that mission.” - RonL., Fire Inspector/Investigator
We aremedical professionals.
The first responders hand your child over tous at the burn unit. We treat their injury and soothe their pain. We do ourbest to bring a smile to their face as they go through dressing changes,physical therapy, surgeries, and other difficult steps of recovery. Your childmay recognize several of us at Hoosier Burn Camp. We come to camp becauserecovery doesn’t end at the hospital. It continues into everyday life and wewant to be there for your child through it all.

In ourown words:
“As a former camper, I wanted to give back toan organization that gave me so much. I also wanted to show the campers thesame care and love I received when attending.” - Sarah S., Registered Nurse
“It is such an honor to be involved in thesechildren’s lives not only during their hospitalization, but also after. Seeingthe strength they have throughout their burn journey is inspiring andsoul-filling.” - Kristin P., RegisteredNurse
“I am involved with HBC because aftervolunteering on the Riley Burn Unit for four years, I have fallen in love withthese kids. They are tough, and strong, and deserve a place to continuehealing. To provide a place for them to connect with people who know their painand know their beauty.” - Victoria L., IntensiveCare Unit Registered Nurse
“I am a burn survivor and love being able togive something back to such amazing kids.” - Chris C., Acute Care Nurse Practitioner
“I volunteer because it is so inspiring andencouraging to watch how these brave, strong kids have overcome trauma andcontinue to preserve through life’s challenges.” - Tai D., Licensed Mental Health Counselor
“I love kids, mostly because I am one myself.I stick around because these kiddos teach me so much about resiliency. Most ofthe kids I see on a daily basis are still pretty sick, and it is wonderful tobe immersed in pure childhood joy with kids who have survived an awful injuryand are now on the other side.” - Kerra D., PediatricOccupational Therapist
“I lost my best friend in high school to a burninjury and that is why I am passionate about working with burn survivors. Beingable to volunteer with burn camp allows me to take part in continuing toempower burn survivors outside of the hospital setting.” - Caitlin D., Certified Child Life Specialist

We arecommunity members.
We are teachers, nonprofit and governmentstaff. We are members of your child’s community and may see them every day,even outside of camp. We volunteer with Hoosier Burn Camp for a chance to seeyour child in a different light and to help them be at peace with themselves.Many campers have said that they feel more themselves at camp. By being therefor them both at and outside of camp, we offer your child a chance to hold ontothat HBC side of themselves even more.
In ourown words:
“I began volunteering with HBC because I was aformer camper/counselor at Camp Tecumseh and was hoping to reunite with some ofmy fellow staff. I continued volunteering with HBC because I immediately feltlike part of the family and wanted to be a part of lifting up each counselorand camper from year to year. I know the impact camp had on my life as ayoungster and I love seeing the leadership and community it fosters in the nextgeneration.” - Laura M., Sales Associateand Teacher at Knit1
“I first got involved as a volunteer with HBCwhen on staff at Camp Tecumseh. I became a counselor after one of my studentsreceived a burn injury and started attending as a camper.” - Amy P., High School Media Specialist/Librarian,Yearbook Teacher, and Club Sponsor
“I volunteer with HBC because I love itsmission to provide healing to our survivors, who have gone through extremetrauma, through creating enriching experiences that foster friendship, lifeskills, and the opportunities to process with others who have gone throughsimilar trauma. The campers are able to make friendships that we have seen themtake throughout their lives, which help them as they encounter various stagesof life where the burn injuries reemerge.” - Alex M., Mechanical Engineer
“As a former camper, Hoosier Burn Camp was myfavorite place. Now I want to give back to the organization that made me who Iam today and help other burn survivors achieve their full potential.” - TroiW., Legislative Intern at Indiana Houseof Representatives
We areHoosier Burn Camp Counselors and there’s nothing else we’d rather be.

Thank you for sharing your children with us.We are honored and grateful to be a part of our campers’ lives. This year hasbrought many challenges, but we are still doing our best to provide amazingcare to our campers. We look forward to the next time we get to see them inperson. Be safe and see you soon!