For young burn survivors, visit to Carmel spa is about more than just a manicure, facial
This story originally aired on WTHR, and is posted on See the original report.
For these teens, the visit was about learning to love the skin they’re in.
Just about everybody loves to be pampered, so a day at the spa is always a treat.

But for 8 teenagers, their visit to a spa in Carmel recently took on extra special meaning.
This was about more than a facial or a manicure. This was about learning to love the skin they’re in.
“The faces that we’re seeing today are all teens who have been involved in a burn,” said Dr. Jodie Harper, owner of Clarity MD, the medical spa that hosted them.
“It was calming,” said Samantha Stoeffler, a junior from Lebanon High School.
Stoeffler was among eight teens from across Indiana that are involved in Hoosier Burn Camp.
They are all survivors.
“When I was (younger) I fell in a fire head first,” said Stoeffler.
Also there was 12-year-old Natalie Zofkie, who spent 5 months in the hospital after being burned in a fire pit accident.

Clarity MD specializes in skin care, but today was about much more.
“They need the love and we want to give the love to them,” said Harper.
“Being a teen is hard (even) on a good day,” said Jennifer Brilliant, a volunteer for Hoosier Burn Camp and fellow burn survivor. “A teen burn survivor has a lot of challenges, and this is a way to show them how beautiful they are.”
Each teen was treated to lunch and a facial, then offered a manicure and presentation on how to care for their skin and the importance of sunscreen protection.
“It’s great for the kids,” said Kim Stoeffler, Samantha’s mom. It’s a learning experience for them and to help them in their own skin based on the situation they’re in - and to get accepted because a lot of our kids are not accepted.”
Here, they are not only accepted, but celebrated.
“We are here to say ‘You are beautiful. Your skin is amazing and we are want you to love the skin you’re in,” said Brilliant. “Love the journey, love the story it tells.”
Brilliant said Hoosier Burn Camp is more than a week away at camp. Participants enjoy events and activities together throughout the year.
Proud parents are grateful.
“She’s my girl,” said Stoeffler as she gazed at her daughter. “And we love Hoosier Burn Camp. I don’t know where we’d be without them. I really don’t.”